Question 1
- Discuss recent gameshows
- Talk equally about both shows
- Cover all the bullet points given
- Correct termonology
- Give specific examples from both shows
- Show how the style and set appeals to the target audience
- Be able to talk about two case studies in detail (host, set, concept, contestants, conventions)
- What channel, what time, target audience
WWW- I covered both case studies and both bullet points.
NTT - I need specific details for both needed. Discuss the shows rather than describe them.
Question 2
- Have a clear concept, host, set design, broadcast day & time
- Link to target audience
- Explain it clearly and the appeal to different sections of the target audience.
- Correct style for a pitch.
- include Uses & Gratification Theory
WWW- good concept.
NTT - Explain how the elements appeal to a family audience. Revise pitch style.
Question 3
- Asked to produce either ; storyboard, billboard advert , website homepage, logo/title screen.
- Need to know the right terminology for all of them
- Follow conventions
WWW- good illustrations
NTT- Don't spend too long on the story board. Revise storyboard terminology.
Question 4
- Answer as many suggestions as they have told you to give
- Be creative
- Research what current gameshows do to promote
- Online media (E-media- Apps, social networks, websites, etc)
- Explain the link to the target audience
WWW- Use of e-media
NTT- More detail needed, time management, creative ideas.
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