Thursday, 2 February 2017

My Game show ideas

Family Brains

Presented by David Walliams

shown between 7-8pm

Investigating the Media: TV Game Shows

Key Dates - 

  • Monday 24th April - Preliminary Material issued.
  • Tuesday 23rd May - Examination 

Unit 1 (the exam) = 40% of your overall grade.
Unit 2 (C/A) = 60% of your overall grade. 

The Exam

  • 1 hour 30 minuets long.
  • four exam questions
  • Spend approximately 22 minuets per question (15 marks each)  
  • 3/4 will be essay style. 1/4 will be a creative question (storyboard, poster, website or advert)

TV Game Shows

- Catchphrase
- pointless
- The chase
- Crystal maze
- Eggheads
- Countdown
- Mastermind
- University challange
- Deal or no deal
- A league of their own
- Bargain hunt
- Golden balls
- Masterchef
- Total wipeout
- take me out


Quiz shows: 

- Pointless
- The Chase
- Eggheads
- University Challenge
- Count down
-  Mastermind
- Golden Balls
- Family fortunes
- who wants to be a millionaire

Action/ Leisure 

- Total wipeout
- A league of their own
- Crystal maze
- bargain hunt
- 8 out of 10 cats
- Take me out


- Host - suited to the programme
- Prizes (jackpot)
- Teams
- TV set and props
- Live audience
- Elimination
- Tension and excitement
- Catchphrases
- Humour

Prime time TV - 7-8 o'clock - family time

1) Knowledge about game shows using case studies
2) a pitch for a new TV Game show aimed at a family audience
3) a story book showing the opening sequence to your show
4) three ways to promote your show, including e-media