Thursday, 26 May 2016

Assignment 1: Analysing Magazine Cover

Click HERE to view it. 

Assignment 1: My Magazine Cover

Draft 1 

Draft 2

Draft 3

Final Draft:

Assignment 3 Planning

Click here for my planning document

Assignment 3: Advertising Evaluation


I have met the aims of the of the product brief because I have created 3 advertising campaigns to do with sport. The adverts were aimed at both female and male teenagers and adults who enjoy participating in sports. I have showed that they were for both genders because in my adverts I have used the stereotypical colours that represent males and females. My adverts use the appropriate codes and conventions and media language because I thought about the camera shots and mise-en-scene. I made sure I took photos of my runner on an athletics track not on a random field which means that my advert would look more professional. Even though I cut the track out of my advert my model was still wearing all the appropriate sporting apparel and footwear that I needed for my advert. On my other two adverts I used a studio, I made sure I thought about the type of picture I would take, for example  I didn’t use a landscape photo in my advert because when you open a magazine you can look straight at a portrait photo without having to turn the page sideways. I thought about the lighting of the scene, because I didn’t want it to be too bright or overexposed however I didn’t want it to be extremely dark. I used a black background because I think it looks more professional overall. My adverts represent people who want to take sport seriously, not professionals (although they could) but people who do sport regularly. I didn’t use an overweight model in my product I used a young healthy one showing that my adverts are representing a healthy life style. My adverts would be exhibited on billboard magazines in popular locations such as places like ; London, Manchester, Edinburgh ext… they would be shown all year round especially more in the summer because that is when people are out more and wanting to buy new clothes and shoes. All adverts have the ASA codes of practice. My advert has followed these codes because they have not got anything graphic or naughty on them. My strengths in this project was being able to go to par track and taking photos of my friends, aslo my friends are sporty so I used one of their basketballs and my hockey stick this helped a lot because the schools equipment isn’t as nice which would mean that my product wouldn’t look as nice. My weaknesses were when I was on photoshop and I wasn’t able to do everything I wanted to do because it was to hard but I found alternative ways to do it.